Sunday, August 15, 2010

Build Dynamic Websites, Algorithms Video

Build Dynamic Websites Video

  1. HTTP
  2. PHP - I
  3. PHP - II
  4. XML - I
  5. XML - II
  6. SQL - I
  7. SQL - II
  8. Java Script
  9. JavaScript - II
  10. Ajax - I
  11. Ajax - II
  12. Security
  13. Scalability

    Introduction to Algorithms Video

    1. Introduction - Analysis of Algorithms, Insertion Sort, Mergesort
    2. Asymptotic Notation | Recurrences | Substitution, Master Method
    3. Divide-and-Conquer: Strassen, Fibonacci, Polynomial Multiplication
    4. Quicksort, Randomized Algorithms
    5. Linear-time Sorting: Lower Bounds, Counting Sort, Radix Sort
    6. Order Statistics, Median
    7. Hashing, Hash Functions
    8. Universal Hashing, Perfect Hashing
    9. Relation of BSTs to Quicksort | Analysis of Random BST
    10. Red-black Trees, Rotations, Insertions, Deletions
    11. Augmenting Data Structures, Dynamic Order Statistics, Interval Trees
    12. Skip Lists
    13. Amortized Algorithms, Table Doubling, Potential Method
    14. Competitive Analysis: Self-organizing Lists
    15. Dynamic Programming, Longest Common Subsequence
    16. Greedy Algorithms, Minimum Spanning Trees
    17. Shortest Paths I: Properties, Dijkstra
    18. Shortest Paths II: Bellman-Ford, Linear Programming, Difference Constraints
    19. Shortest Paths III: All-pairs Shortest Paths, Matrix Multiplication, Floyd-Warshall, Johnson
    20. Advanced Topics
    21. Advanced Topics (cont.)
    22. Advanced Topics (cont.)
    23. Advanced Topics (cont.)

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