1) Open Flash Professional CS5
2) File ->New->ActionScript 3.0
3) move timeline to the final frame, my case 25, right click mouse insert frame
4) in the first frame, File->import to stage, to import your picture
5) insert->timeline->layer to create layer2 for tween picture, you can also draw picture or type text in layer 1 and select it as tween pciture, tthen you don't need to create layer2.
6) under layer2, File->import to stage, import the picture which will be tweened.
7) Go to last Frame, select the picture which will be tweened, right click mouse, select motion tween
8) using up arrow on the top of right panel to move the tweened picture to the position you want (tip!)
9) Go to other frames, move the tweened picture around.
10) Save as mypic1.fla, go to developer mode, select your FPS (Frame per second), defaul is 24, I changed it to 2. You ca also go to free transform tool in the right panel (just under the up arrow), just the tweened object size for each frame.
11) Control->Test Movie->in Flash Professional or (Ctrl enter)
you can watch swf file
12) File->Export->Export Movie, save as mypic1.swf
13) My result:
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