Friday, June 18, 2010

comment on Matt Baril's article

I found that Matt Baril's job searching article
"..increase your odds of getting the perfect job"
is very interesting and useful. I totally agree what he said.

He used Yahoo pipe to display
"the 150 most recent tech jobs in Vancouver in real-time. ".
It is very handy. I planned to learn from him to create a similar one.

He mentioned three websites for job hunting:
I found that is a little better.
is also useful for producing company leads. I am collecting all software companies, financial companies and physics related companies in Greater Vancouver using LinkedIn for my job searching targets.


  1. Hi Jiansen,

    Thank you for posting links to the article! I'm glad you found it interesting and useful. I had not heard of and it does look like a really good website and I will add it to my job feed. Thank you for sharing.

    Your blog is only 1 day old and you have 2 posts full of really useful information already! Keep up the good work and I'm looking forward to seeing how it will evolve.

    Good luck with your job hunt.

    Matt Baril

  2. Hi, Matt:

    Thanks for your comment. You are the first
    comment on my blog. Surely I will keep post
    and keep my blog organized.

    Jiansen Lu

  3. It's an honor to be the first to post on your blog Jiansen!

    Have a good week.

